Certification Qualité ISO 9001

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Failure is not an option when undertaking new customer programs and applications. If you are looking for a reliable partner who will offer upfront technical solutions and risk mitigation for your high tolerance designs and manufacturing requirements, Mijno is your solution.
We can help you define your exact needs in relation to material, hardness, processes, and program management. Mijno will propose innovative engineering solutions and deliver precision products of the highest quality from inception through serial production.
We offer standard and customized solutions to meet your requirements with specialized design and manufacturing capabilities. Custom transmission (gear or complete assembly) systems is our expertise. We can produce products from prototype and low rate production up to batches of 200 parts per month.
You will find our capable team at Mijno will understand your application needs and will enjoy the challenges of meeting complex customer product requirements.
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Au 1er Juin 2021, MIJNO PRECISION GEARING fait son entrée dans le Cluster EDEN, regroupant des sociétés souhaitant unir leurs compétences et leurs atouts pour aborder les secteurs très...
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Gleason teeth grinding machine !
MIJNO PRECISION GEARING acquired one more Gleason Teeth grinding Machine P400 G with integrated automatic measuring system.
From Modul 0.5 to 12...
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Nous exposerons nos produits au SIAE 2019 sur l'espace Cluster Aerospace Rhône-Alpes Hall 4, Stand DE153
Venez nous voir nombreux du 17 au 23 Juin 2019 !
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Engagé dans sa démarche EN9100, MIJNO fait désormais parti du CLUSTER AEROSPACE 2016 / 2017.
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L'amélioration continue étant une priorité et un enjeu majeur pour la société MIJNO, nous nous devons de rester à la pointe de la technologie.
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Our ability to manufacture precise complex parts is based on many years of Aerospace experience.
In accordance with AGMA 14 (ISO4 class)
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A great, new asset for grinding your high-precision parts!
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